

Powershell GPU DDA/Discreet Device Assignment


Microsoft Discreet Device Assignment/DDAでGPUVMにパススルー。


Sample code


  • VM MMIO space for low and High
  • DDA Device Class and Vender.
  • VM name


# DDA sample
#     Assign device to vm
# Parameters
$vm       = "foo" , 
$mmio_low  = 3Gb, 
$mmio_high = 33280Mb, 
$cls      = "display", 
$vender   = "NVIDIA"
# prepare-vm 
#     Configure the VM before Assignment
function prepare-vm($vm, $low, $high){
   #Set automatic stop action to TurnOff
   Set-VM -Name $vm -AutomaticStopAction TurnOff 

   #Enable Write-Combining on the CPU
   Set-VM -GuestControlledCacheTypes $true -VMName $vm 

   #Configure 32 bit MMIO space 
    Set-VM -LowMemoryMappedIoSpace  $low -VMName $vm 

    #Configure Greater than 32 bit MMIO space 
    Set-VM -HighMemoryMappedIoSpace $high  -VMName $vm 

# get-location
#   Find the device Location Path
function get-devices ($cls, $vender){
    #Enumerate all PNP Devices on the system 
    $devs = Get-PnpDevice -presentOnly 

    #Select only those devices that are Display devices manufactured by NVIDIA 
    $gpus = $devs |? {$_.Class -like $cls -and $_.Manufacturer -like $vender} 

    return $gpus

function get-locationpath($devs){
    #Select the location path of the first device that's available to be dismounted by the host. 
    $lp = ($devs | Get-PnpDeviceProperty DEVPKEY_Device_LocationPaths).data[0] 

    return $lp

# Assign device
# 1. Disable device
# 2. Dismount device
# 3. Assign device
function assign-dev($vm, $lp, $dev){

  #Disable the PNP Device 
  Disable-PnpDevice -InstanceId $dev.InstanceId 

  #Dismount the Device from the Host
  Dismount-VMHostAssignableDevice -force -LocationPath $lp

  #Assign the device to the guest VM.
  Add-VMAssignableDevice -LocationPath $lp -VMName $vm

function dda-sample($vm, $low, $high, $cls, $vender){
    prepare-vm $vm $low $high
    $devs = get-devices $cls $vender #return  array
    $lp = get-locationpath $devs # return one
    assign-dev $vm $lp devs[0]

# recover-dev
#   1. remove-device
#   2. mount dev
function recover-dev($vm, $lp){
    #Remove the device from the VM
    Remove-VMAssignableDevice -LocationPath $lp -VMName $vm

    #Mount the device back in the host
    Mount-VMHostAssignableDevice -LocationPath $lp

dda-sample $vm $mmio_low $mmio_high $cls $vender

